Thursday, April 24, 2008

Photos from Capitol Hill

Faces and Voices of Autism is now in its last couple of days on Capitol Hill. I've returned to my studio in Massachusetts (a team from May Institute will break down the exhibition tomorrow afternoon) and thought I'd post a few photos from the venue.

This corner of the Russell Senate Office Building houses the rotunda – and the exhibition.

Senator Kennedy toured the exhibition Tuesday afternoon and spoke with us for a few minutes. Shown here (left to right) are Juanita Class, Heidi Howard and Abbey Maney of May Institute meeting the Senator.

We were also joined by Karen Driscoll (center) who is a Marine Corps spouse and mother of a child with autism.

Karen and Heidi chatting with members of Senator Kennedy's staff.

The Russell Rotunda viewed from a third-floor balcony.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Can I pet your dog?

What do you say to a senator?

Not just any senator, but the living icon
of what is arguably the most powerful dynasty in American politics?

If you were my son, you'd ask to pet his dog...

Monday, April 21, 2008

Faces and Voices in the US Senate

The Faces and Voices of Autism Photo Exhibition made its way to the US Senate Russell Rotunda today and will be on display through Friday. I was awake at 4:30 this morning to clear security and start setting the display up. I'm running on adrenalin at the moment but will post a few photos before nodding-off...

Juanita Class (left) and Abbey Maney (right) from May Institute met me at the security check and did much of the work. Special thanks to Nathanial and Evan from Senator Kerry's office for their help, as well.

Sunday, April 20, 2008


It's been a week of – seemingly – endless logistics. It culminated Friday with a mock-up at May Institute and a careful packing of a rented trailer.

We're on the road today and plan to begin the rigorous security clearance before dawn on Monday. Next post should include photos from Russell Rotunda!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Faces and Voices of Autism, U.S. Senate Venue Details

Preparations are in high gear to bring the Faces and Voices of Autism Photo Exhibition to Washington, DC next week!

I will be working with staff members of May Institute and the National Autism Center to set-up the exhibition Monday morning and plan to remain in Washington for a couple of days.

If you are in the area and would like to see the show, I hope you can schedule your visit for a time when I am around. I will be attending the show during the following hours:

Monday, April 21, 12pm - 4pm

Tuesday, April 22, 12pm - 4pm

Location: U.S. Senate Russell Office Building Rotunda in Washington, D.C.

Feel free to email me at to let me know when you'll be visiting.

It's an Exhibition, Not an Execution

So when my mother-in-law got the news that Faces and Voices of Autism was traveling to DC, she IM'd me right away.
"I hear you're going to hang in the big house."
Ummm, I hope not. But thanks for the encouragement...

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Faces and Voices of Autism Goes to Washington

The Faces and Voices of Autism exhibition is going to Capitol Hill later this month. Details are being worked-out by the organizations that commissioned the show (May Institute and the National Autism Center) but here's what we know for sure:

Dates: April 21-25, 2008
Viewing Hours: 7am - 7pm
Location: Russell Rotunda, Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC

I expect there will be some sort of reception or event surrounding the exhibition. If you'd like an update then subscribe to this blog or just send me an email <>.